Permissions required

Permissions can be granted to view staff accounts and information, and an additional permission to edit staff accounts:

Adding a new member of staff

A full staff list can be found at People > Staff. Individual staff records can be viewed by clicking on a staff members name. The listing page also has functions to download a staff list as a .CSV and a search for staff by name.  

To download a list of staff, either tick individual staff members, or select to click all.  Clicking the arrow to the right of 'Selected items' will then allow you to select 'Download csv'). The download will contain the information displayed (customised via 'Options') as well as which of the individual permissions they have been given.

Select '+Add new staff member' to access the modal to enter basic details for a new staff member. 

Legal first name and legal last name are required fields to add the record. 

The option to set the cover status, and if the staff member will be used to cover lessons, is visible for the quick addition of supply staff.  See Cover Management for more details. 

A new staff record is now available to view and add more information.  The account block of the record enables the addition of a display name for staff and the addition of a school email address. 

If the toggle is OFF for 'Can log in' then the user's session in the MIS will be immediately terminated and they will be logged out of the system. 

Note: An error will occur if you try to save an email address that an active user is using. 

  • Once an email has successfully saved, the user is able to use direct login as that user with the given email address you changed.  (The new account will not have a password attached to it, so you will need to use the "new user" link.)
  • If an email address change has been saved, log out and log in again. Going to the setting page on the top right of the navigation bar, you should see the email address changed to the one you have saved.

See article Staff records to view details contained within each record.