The GO 4 Schools App keeps you informed about how you are performing at school. The App is completely free of charge to you and can be downloaded via:

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What the App can show you:

Currently, you can view your timetable, homework, attendance, behaviour and attainment information. This includes looking at the details of the homework set, including attached documents or links to websites. You will also receive notifications containing a summary of homework tasks and behaviour events at the end of the school day, and detentions as they are set/changed/cancelled.


Tap on the App to open.

Type in your email address and password.

This is the same email address and password you use to log into the GO 4 Schools website. 

3. Click on ‘log in’.

If you are a first-time user, you will need to log into the website first to receive your password.

The homepage shows your current timetable and an overview of the status of your homework.

Scroll down to see attendance, behaviour and attainment information.

Tap on the timetable or homework to view more information.


Homework overview:

The homework card allows you to filter by ongoing, extended, pending homework or history.


Checkboxes on this page allow you to mark your homework as ‘Done’ and see any that are due.


Tap on the specific homework you wish to view.



Homework task detail:

Detailed homework information is visible with attachments and weblinks.  

If your school tracks homework you can see when your teacher has ticked off the completion of homework tasks or marks if the work has been assessed by your teacher.

You can also mark your homework as Done.



Tap on the menu in the top-left corner to access messages and settings.










Messages from your school and your settings can be accessed from this menu.


In the message inbox tap on the message for more detail.

Your messages will be organised by date order and titled by areas such as Homework, Behaviour and detention notifications.


Sample message:

Here is an example of how a message might look.


Tap back on messages and then your name to return to the main screen.






From the main screen tap on the timetable for more information.


Timetable detail:

You are then presented with today’s timetable. You can tap or swipe to previous and future days at the top.










From the main screen scroll down to view attendance information.

A chart displays the overall percentage attendance.     


The App will also display detail about specific attendance marks including authorised and unauthorised attendance marks. Late marks are incorporated into the overall attendance marks and unknown marks are waiting for confirmation of the reason for the absence.

NOTE: There are two possible sessions in a school day, AM and PM.




Continue to scroll down the app to the Behaviour information.  This will display a bar chart of both negative and positive behaviour points over time, the chart can be scrolled across throughout the year.  Positive points are shown in green and negative points in red with a total points count.

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If you prefer you can toggle the graph to show the number of events rather than points.  This will allow you to see the number of positive and negative events recorded over time.  Again, you can scroll the chart across and positive events are in green and negative events in red.

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Behaviour detail:

If you tap the ‘details’ button or tap in the white space around the behaviour chart you can then view your detailed event record including the date, the subject, the event type and the associated points.  


This is useful to see if teachers have recorded events they have spoken to you about.  


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Scrolling down further, you can see the attainment card. This will display your current grades and colouring of your progress, if shared by your school.


Subject detail:

If you tap on a specific subject you can see an overview of attainment, behaviour and homework for that subject.  

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You can easily return to the main screen by using the ‘< back’ button.



Additional features may become available in the future depending on the different GO 4 Schools modules your school has selected.